HK Language
外 語 導 師 網 (香 港) 英語導師、外籍英語導師、普通話導師等外語導師資料庫
HK Language Tutor 提供一個開放的網上平台,讓學生、家長或教育機構尋找合適的英語導師、美語導師、英語會話導師、西人英語會話導師、外籍英語導師、普通話導師、普通話會話導師、日語導師、日文導師、韓語導師、韓文導師、法文導師、德文導師、西班牙文導師、義大利文導師、俄文導師、廣東話導師等外語導師或外籍語言導師。而外語導師亦可在本網站免費刊登導師廣告。
Dear All!您们好!好消息♤♤♤✨✨✨!!!现重磅推出写作课。写字,写词汇,写句子,写段落及文章结构布局,外加修辞与标点。每周六,中上环开课,简繁体均教授。3800HKD每10堂起,小班授课,兴趣教学引领域贯穿整个课程。❃❀✿
本人來自哈爾濱,深諳教育心理學,並把它靈活運用在中文教學中。坚持“兴趣教育*心靈營養”,深信“没有教不会的学生,只有不会教的老师”,我的微信是 Dsmandarin,whatsapps是 XXXXXXXX(♥♥♥If you are interested,please hurry up to contact us)。All of us speak perf......
-15 years experience in teaching Mandarin and English for language learners of different levels in both Mainland China and HK.
-Native Mandarin speaker and Mandarin PSC Exam Best Grade (Grade 1) Certific......
Miss Helene
英文 廣東話 升小/升中面試特訓、朗誦
英國 中國香港
銅鑼灣, 美孚, 太子
Miss Helene --
1. Well-qualified and experienced child educator
2. Specializes in Interview Trainings (K2 onwards)
3. Well-understood the needs of students from both LOCAL and INTERNATIONAL schools.
4. Fluent in 4 languages
I received my first degree in Education from Leeds University in U......
出生於北京,普通話為第一語言。自小在香港接受教育,國、粵語流利,大學主修電腦。Born in Beijing and grew up in Hong Kong. Both native in Mandarin and Cantonese.
Oli Johns
中半山, 上環, 中環, 灣仔, 跑馬地......
Hong Kong
I'm Oli, a teacher from the UK. There are so many things for me to write, I'm going to put them into bullet points:
* I am triple vaccinated!
* I have 15 years of teaching experience in Japan and Hong Kong. I've taught adults and kids, but not animals. If you want your pet to learn English, I......
My name is Lylian, I am a full-time Chinese tutor from Guilin, China and have been teaching Chinese online for 13 years.By far I've 1-on-1 helped more than 70 students in different Chinese levels from 30+ countries .
My specialty is to teach Business Chinese and Growing Participator Approach, whi......