HK Language
外 語 導 師 網 (香 港) 英語導師、外籍英語導師、普通話導師等外語導師資料庫
HK Language Tutor 提供一個開放的網上平台,讓學生、家長或教育機構尋找合適的英語導師、美語導師、英語會話導師、西人英語會話導師、外籍英語導師、普通話導師、普通話會話導師、日語導師、日文導師、韓語導師、韓文導師、法文導師、德文導師、西班牙文導師、義大利文導師、俄文導師、廣東話導師等外語導師或外籍語言導師。而外語導師亦可在本網站免費刊登導師廣告。
IB Chinese A & B (HL / SL) , EE Chinese
IGCSE (Native/second/foreign)
AP Chinese
A level Chinese
Katarina is a native Mandarin speaker. She is able to understand Cantonese as well. She is using both traditional and simplified Chinese characters. Katarina loves to help students achieve their ......
Native Mandarin Tutor With Over 10 years Experiences. Teaching madarin in fun and ea......
英文 國語 / 普通話 廣東話
北角, 側魚涌, 觀塘, 九龍灣
Hong Kong
I have been teaching Languages for 12 years. I provide the most effective way of Learning English/Mandarin/Cantonese, with a tested method which has been used since 1960 in the UK. You only need a quarter of study time. It's simple, no homework, no pressure and no age limit.
“Can I speak E......
Gary Lam
英文 日文 廣東話
中半山, 上環, 中環, 灣仔, 跑馬地......
Hong Kong
全職 兼職 臨時
*曾留學日本的教育學院IVE講師,歡迎預約**特惠小班或個人網上課程**GCSE/JLPT Exams Online Class** Studying and living in Japan(Tokyo Technical College of Acoustic and Music Mass Communication Shobi)for 12 years and earned my bachelor degree in U.S.(San Francisco State University). Teaching Japanese in Hong Kong Institute of Vocat......
Early Childhood Essentials is a private "online-only" teaching platform designed for the individual learning needs of young children from 5-12 years of age.
After having lived in Hong Kong for the past 30 years I have returned to my "home country" Canada and continue to engage with my students onli......